Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

It is a privilege to start writing again.
It has been way too long for me to go without posting. Lets start with two subjects I find very interesting.

The difference between liberals republicans and conservatives. In general liberals see government as a tool for addressing certain cultural wrongs that in their opinion society has produced. This is true of affirmative action, the feminist movement and the never ending fight for equality of all kinds. Affirmative action is wrong because it creates discrimination under the guise of trying to prevent it.I believe that militant environmentalists puts the so called needs of the environment above that of human beings. Even an issue such as raising the minimum wage can create a moral delima. Every time a small business is forced to raise its wages there is less money to hire others which causes more youth unemployment and less efficiency in the business.

Lastly in the need to end so called sexual discrimination the gay movement puts the needs of the self above the needs of society by demanding that certian sexual behaviors be sanctioned.
There is a certain nobility in some of these values. The problem is that many of these values run contrary to others. However the problem is that when a person thinks like that the needs of one group often run counter to another. For example, environmentalism an d the labour movement often clash. Equality for one group often means discriminating against another such as affirmative action. This may be deemed to be worthwhile because of past oppression. But it still leads to reverse discrimination and class envy.

The liberal thinks about people as members of groups. And each group is fighting for perceived ways of getting ahead in society. Republicans on the other hand see ways to fix problems in the free market. Believing that if government kept its hands off of everything that the private sector and rule of law would help to make our society better. Conservatives believe that the binding policy that should unite as all is virtue. Virtue does not come from government it comes from the inner conscience. This virtue should originate though faith in God. But even if one did not have faith in God a secular form of virtue can be found though the classics, Plato, Dante, Shakespeare. This is why I am a Conservative republican because the search for virtue is more important to the whole than a misplaced faith in the marketplace or a perceived desire to use the government as a club to fix every perceived wrong in society. It is only through fidelity to law and Christ that problems can ever adequately addressed.

We must begin treating these problems at the micro level. That each individual must have a fully formed adult conscience. Government cannot do this of course. Parents must, society must instill this.