Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

political musings

First of all I hope everybody had a safe and happy Forth of July, Many many subjects today son lets get to it.
The Supreme Court rightly decided that the Second Admenment means what it says and by implication that the Secound Admenmanment is just as important as anything other right or privilege that we have as Americans. The Second admenment was not I repeat not for hunting it was one of our safeguards against a tyrannical government so that the average person could join a militia if needed. Now of coarse we know there are better ways to change government, but it's nice to know we still have that right guaranteed to us by our Founding Fathers. Guns are a part of this country and can not be taken away to reduce crime, that gene is out of the bottle, they are things we can do around the margins but to limit gun violence but the 2nd Admement is alive and well both for good and bad. We adores the bad by enforcing laws against the criminals, but the Right to Bear Arms is guaranteed to us by the Bill of Rights it's good to see the Us Supreme court recognizes that.
The supreme court also proved it's can often make idiotic decisions by saying that a Christian Legal society must allow gay members to serve as officers. Let me repeat a Christan Group can not set rules that only people that agree with the group can be part of that group. This is so the University can life up to it's so called non-discrimination policy's. So technically any club has to be open to anyone even if if it's are are repugnet to what the group believes in.
This desicion tramples on the right of association which is in the 1st admenment of the Constitution all because the Us. Supreme court says that the college has a right to say no to discriminatory rules because it's against the college rules as a whole. So every Jewish group can no longer be truly Jewish only or black organization be black only. I will review it further but this is the logical conclusion of this decision. Also the court says that's it's okay to establish these rights because there not just particular to this group and because of something called substantive due process which means the court must look at past discrimination for gays. So sex is now a civil right, and if the school doesn't like it they can shut you down. Which tells you a couple things, college is just like high school rights to some justices depend on public opinion and justice Kennady should not be on the court.
Michael Steele needs to go, his comments were so insanitary that even if was trying to make a philosophical even that point of afasaganestein vs Iraq makes it seems like the war is unwinnable, that's wrong as well as his attempt to use this War as a political tool. We need to be there and anyone that doesn't know that should be relieved of there position now.
he finally did it last week. President Barrack Obama rescinded the Terrence Jones act which allows other countries to come onto our shores to assist directly with the oil spill. I beg detractors of this blog to look it up and ask just What the heck took him so long, and perhaps concede the point that just like President bush and Katrina Obama was caught unaware of what to do about the spill. Better late then never Mr. President!

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