Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

good politics good policy

Hi guys, a little review of the resect shakeup millitery shakeup for you today. First and most importantly General Mcchrastial and the Rolling stone Article, I believe this is the first time I have ever read that publication but I read the entire article. Two things jump out the gerneral seems to come across as supremely igrogent and his advisers incredibly obnoxious. He seems very competident but more concerned with winning hearts and minds in Afghanistan then actually winning the war. An example is the paraphrase of the attitude you can't kill your way out of counter insurgency attituide that is what happens when generals play politics. the General thought that by agreeing to an interview with a liberal hipper audience he would ease liberal anxieties about the War. He learned an iron law of politics in War. Generals never win shouting matches with Presidents ever.
Now as to his actual firing, I am actually very surprised because none of the so called offensive remarks were made by General Mccristcal just his staff. The President himself said the change of leadership had nothing to do with differences in war policy. If that's true then it's all personal and makes the President look small.
However David Paterous is quite frankly better at what he does then Mccchristal ever was. He has more cache with the American people based on his performance in Iraq, he understands how to make the best of a bad situation. He will and should I believe modify the rules of engagement to focus more on winning and leave diplomacy to the politicians.
So the President made the right decision for the wrong reason. His approval ratings have gone up because people respect the commander and chief and regard General Paterous as the miracle man of Iraq. Sometimes good policy is good politics even when it's made for a bad reason.

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