Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

responce to the comment

First of all some clean up from last column I will try to keep it as factually based as possible, I am all for having a national debate on Civil Unions that would probably lead to my side losing. If one ones to strengthen civil unions in the Entire country then let a Presidential candidate discuss that By the way the Majority of states that do have civil union laws do make them similar to marriage in an effort to please the Gay Lesbian transgender lobby In many states especially liberal ones these votes are called basically every benefit other then actually calling the union marriage. Again national standards are set at the ballot box except for outright bigotry are up to the people and there Representatives in congress. Gay marriage/ relationships don't meet that standard unless they are being denied a public right. If you feel they are that's fine but do it though the public process not through the courts. If Civil Unions can fix the few benefits that Gays don't get then address it there without trying to force it upon the American public. The only time the courts should social engineer is when they have an interest to do so. If Gays were being put in jail up or stigmatized by government and the law then the court would have a point but leading society is not something the court should do. Society will see when it's wrong eventually if homosexuality is on par with society then let the consensus of the people catch up. Race can not be helped sexuality can and therefore is a behavior and so there is not a compelling state interest for the Court to declare it unconstituntal gay Sodomy will never reach that standerd unless they actually do find the so-called gay gene. Marriage is a state issue that's why we have different ages for marriage in different states right now are those also un-constitutional as well, are all laws based on morality up for debate. Is that a debate you won't to have, or is it better to fix the civil union law and make it more beneficial, or scrap the law and disregard 5000 years of society!

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