Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's the Iman, Stupid!

The mosque near ground zero controversy is a tough one for me because I realize that if public sentiment guides the law then this nation that is already balkenized can cancel out a religious domination, all practicing Catholics and Baptists need to realize what a bad precedent it would be to allow pressure from a local comminity to prevent the building of a house of worship or mosque. The problem in not with the mosque itself but the iman who has made comments saying,"it was United States policy that created Osama Bin Laden". To make matters worse to recognize that Hammas is a terrorist organisazion. I believe his these comments underly a basis extremism and contempt for the this Republic. If he really wants to bring faiths together then he should tour the United States explaining how Al Queada is incompatable with the true meaning of Islam. For goodness sake why not build the Mosque somewhere else in deference to those directly efeected by 9/11. To build the Mosque near ground zero seems like spite. There are no shinto shrines in close proximity to Pearl Harbour. Unless of course the Mosque is being built as a sign of cultural dominence over the west?!!?

I thought that by the calling off of the buring of the Koran that perhaps a repectfull dialog could ensue that would lead to the Mosque not being built. This however remains to be seen. The right to build the Mosque is not in question. The only quarrel is its location and hurtful memories it may cause. That combined with the Extremist views of this Iman make the building of this Mosque incredibly unwise.

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