Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Monday, October 25, 2010

More of the same

2008 was a frustrating year for Conservatives! So many people were in love with then canidate Obama that it was hard for them to focus on the issues. My Liberal friend kept marveling about how clean a campaign it was and as much as I wanted to counter her the general election campaign he ran was pretty clean(of coarse it did not hurt that the mainstream media had a crush on him the entire campaign but that's another story.

I relized that the rhetoric being used was so inspiring it caused young people that were inexperienced with politics to ignore whatever good sense they had and believe that the president would actually usher in the new kind of politics that he campaigned on

Now, two short years later people are waking up to the fact that politics have not changed and this president lies just like all the the rest The latest example a few weeks ago during a campaign the President alluded to the possibility that foreign money is influencing our elections, What he was referring to was the chamber of Congress which has been very critical of this administration and it's policy's spending money to defeat Democrats. Now any huge organization has overseas affiliates and they do pay dues. However organizations are required to separate the money they receive from overseas from money raised from overseas. These comapany's are not allowed to use any raised from overseas on the election. The President raised the possibility that the Chamber of Congress was acting illegally. When asked to provide proof of this alligation the President's spokesmen said, "Can you prove there not. So it's up to your opponents to disprove a negative! that's the definition of negative campaigning. The president's spokesmen then desperate to regain the high ground said well they should provide a list of who is giving from overseas, that's a debate worth having but can we have the lists from the overseas unions that contribute to you too, after all what's good for the President is good for his opponents too.
The interviewer even said the president's original comments were peanuts and other members of the mainstream media know that the charge of foreign money influencing our elections from the US Chamber of Congress was a baseless charge.
When the President said this some got mad not me upon reflection it made me happy because he proved he's no longer above the frey, no longer just about hope. The President proved in some ways he like every other politician and represents more of the same.
The president may be a good man but his comment represent something that more and more people are realizing his day to day reality no longer lives up to his lofty campaign speeches.

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