Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tea party thoughts

Politics is an art not a science but it does have some scientific principles that everyone agrees with one is when you lose you must either weight for the other side to mess up or your side has to get more voters.
What happens in wave elections is the Party in power does enough to make people mad that the American public comes out passionately to support the party out of power. It happened it 2008 people that had never voted or rarely vote voted for the new President with the funny name It also happened in 2006 and 2004 because a new majority disliked President Bush's handling of the Iraq war. In 2004 new people voted for President Bush because they approved of his handling of the War on Terror and disliked the democratic platform on the social issues of the day such as gay marriage and Partial birth Abortion. People vote when they are frustrated and angry about the country.
The tea party started started do to anger over the bailout of the banks something that started in the Bush administration and had nothing what so ever with race. It continued with the bailout of Gm and Chrysler. The Tea Party then came to a full boil over the Health Care reform because they felt that the President was ignoring the will of the people.
Now I'm no expert but wasn't that the same way most Liberals felt about President Bush in 2008. Now to be fair some people in the Tea party are bigoted against the President because of his race, is that the reason for the tea party, No way because the same people that were against Bill Clinton's Health Care plan were and are against this current incarnation. Nobody suggested racism as the primary reason for opposition in 1994. Why mention it now Well we know why the President is black, and it's easier for people to demagogue the opposition by calling it names then to actually engage in dialogue about the issue. To his credit the President isn't doing this but his friends are and that by it's very nature is also racist.
Are there some racists in the tea Party yes is that the majority of tea party sentiment, no because the Tea Party is frustrated at all government excesses and not just those committed by the current President. Are there bad people in every organization yes, but that doesn't mean that the tea party itself is bad because it causes people to think about the Constitution and the excess of government as a whole. That like it or not is what political activism is all about!

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