Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

good politics good policy

Hi guys, a little review of the resect shakeup millitery shakeup for you today. First and most importantly General Mcchrastial and the Rolling stone Article, I believe this is the first time I have ever read that publication but I read the entire article. Two things jump out the gerneral seems to come across as supremely igrogent and his advisers incredibly obnoxious. He seems very competident but more concerned with winning hearts and minds in Afghanistan then actually winning the war. An example is the paraphrase of the attitude you can't kill your way out of counter insurgency attituide that is what happens when generals play politics. the General thought that by agreeing to an interview with a liberal hipper audience he would ease liberal anxieties about the War. He learned an iron law of politics in War. Generals never win shouting matches with Presidents ever.
Now as to his actual firing, I am actually very surprised because none of the so called offensive remarks were made by General Mccristcal just his staff. The President himself said the change of leadership had nothing to do with differences in war policy. If that's true then it's all personal and makes the President look small.
However David Paterous is quite frankly better at what he does then Mccchristal ever was. He has more cache with the American people based on his performance in Iraq, he understands how to make the best of a bad situation. He will and should I believe modify the rules of engagement to focus more on winning and leave diplomacy to the politicians.
So the President made the right decision for the wrong reason. His approval ratings have gone up because people respect the commander and chief and regard General Paterous as the miracle man of Iraq. Sometimes good policy is good politics even when it's made for a bad reason.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

is he a President or a lawyer on tv?

Any speech by any president requires analysis and this one is no exception.
The first part of the speech blaming Bp was certainly correct. If there is a villain in this it clearly is British Petroleum and I have absolutely no problem with them being made to clean it up. It was after all there rig and their fault. The president was a little self self serving when he says were going to make them pay they were going to help anyway and public opinion would have drove them out of business. However it is clearly not out of line that a company be made to compensate it's workers for negligence caused by the company.
It is laughable that the President would refer to anybody employed by the government as a third party overseeing those funds weather he is working in his governmental role or not. But that's just what the president want us to believe Yes that's right the person over seeking the fund works for the federal government. Third party indeed...
grade for that part c
Now the reaction to the spill was completely political The president should have excepted the help of the dutch government and should have given the go ahead to the Louisiana government to create those little barrier like islands much quicker then he did. There's no question that the rejection of the Dutch help proves that the Obama Administration could have helped with this problem in a much more competent manor. that part d-

The truly despicable part of this speech is the the President used to pivots to his push for alternative energy. The reason why this spill is so hard to fix is because it's so offshore to become with. The President has no clue as to how much oil there is left in America because so much of it especially in Alaska is unexplored. For the president to act like there is even a possibility of replacing oil as a fuel source in his lifetime is quite frankly a lie] Other energy sources have yet to show any long term ability to surpass any fossil fuels in terms of reliability or effeteness. They have been some promising research in solar power but to imply that oil is on it's way out is crazy. The larger point is that it was in bad taste to use such a crisis in the Gulf to push for a new energy plan. This energy plan's main focas was not alternative energy but pollution credits for your carbon foot print. Sen Dianne Feinstein said it best the Cap and Trade legislation has nothing to do with the oil spill. She's right and for the President to use the spill to try to advance his programs is the most despicable kind of politics. It takes back to the most outrageous claims made against Bush using 911 to attack Iraq. Hopefully like President Bush President Obama truly believes this program will benefit, if he is just trying to score political score points or to distract people from the oil spill. then he is doing something that represents the truly worst kind of politics, and makes him looker like an ambulance chaser rather then commander and chief! A few more speeches like Tuesday's and his likability will be down as low as his approval rating. Total speech grade 62% and that's to generous

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Professor Thomas

Hellen Thomas the so called Madam of the Washington Press core said something ricdiculas about the Jews getting out of "Palestine and go back home" to Poland and Germany and everywhere else. Not only is that outrageous Anti Semitic and Bigoted it's also a breach of journalistic ethics. Thomas (who's best journalistic days were behind her 10 years ago) was forced to retire.
What's interesting is not just what she said but the fact that she felt it was OK to offer an opinion on the issue in the first place. Thomas when she first started out as a journalist was told that her first job was to report the news and to try to do it is unbiasedly as possible.
As time went by though an she gets around the Washington scene and became famous she forgot those rules and went straight into issue shills. The truly sad thing is she was once a good reporter and trend setter in Washington, sure she was always liberal but the stories she told were interesting because she had interviewed so many presidents. Truth be told I got her book, which brings me to the point of this piece. Journalists have become like professors in the beginning most of them I am convinced try to be unbiased but then after being sucked in by there contemporaries think that they are really important. They then stop teaching and start indoctrinating, Journalists like most teachers including Thomas have no idea how liberal they are. Helen Thomas once said that no one ever has accused her of bias, that in her mind is probably true because she does not talk to anyone who doesn't share her own views. Many professors even the good ones are truly ignorant of how biased they are. The bad ones don't care I once had an academic adviser put up a cartoon of George W. bush being the next Strom Thurmond it's hard to respect such idiocy. I'm sure my advisor now retired did not care I'm sure Hellen Thomas did not care. that's why I call Her Professor Thomas. She like many other journalists and teachers and professors truly are the Roosters that take credit for the Dawn.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oil spill aftermath educational for all

Oil spill Educational for everyone
As a fan of all talk radio I often listen to Michael Medved. His resent article published at (Town Hall.com as well as Michael Medved.com) The main thesis of the Article discuses how the oil spill is worse then Katrina was for President Bush. That in itself is inaccurate, conservatives make a mistake when they equate a hurricane that affected the lives of thousands to an oil spill that apart from the people originally killed in the explosion affects people mainly in there pocketbooks.

However it does point out 2 basic truths, the media is hopelessly biased can anybody imagine how the media would have reacted if this spill had taken place during the Bush administration. It would not have taken three weeks for the media to notice. The more important lesson for the country to learn is that the government can't solve every problem. As Medved's article illustrates the so-called best and brightest in the government and Bp for more then a month had no idea how to stop the spill . The so-called top-kill method did not work and other methods that may have also hurt the environment The president looks detached but more then the he is flummoxed because he and more importantly the federal government has no idea how to fix it.
We have no greater proof then what was said by the White House We have been with BP since the beginning. That proves the point that conservatives have known for years, governments don't solve problems they get out of the way so others can. Now to fair the private sector could not solve it with well either, however when government gets involved it moves like the proverbial glacier. Like Gov Jendal said if the federal government does not have a plan get out of the way and let us implement our own. The problem with liberalism is it believes that the federal government is there to solve every problem or big Crisis, the aftermath of the oil spill is further proof that that belief is wrong. The problem for the President is now everybody know that Government doesn't solve problems in some cases they may prolong them.