Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Professor Thomas

Hellen Thomas the so called Madam of the Washington Press core said something ricdiculas about the Jews getting out of "Palestine and go back home" to Poland and Germany and everywhere else. Not only is that outrageous Anti Semitic and Bigoted it's also a breach of journalistic ethics. Thomas (who's best journalistic days were behind her 10 years ago) was forced to retire.
What's interesting is not just what she said but the fact that she felt it was OK to offer an opinion on the issue in the first place. Thomas when she first started out as a journalist was told that her first job was to report the news and to try to do it is unbiasedly as possible.
As time went by though an she gets around the Washington scene and became famous she forgot those rules and went straight into issue shills. The truly sad thing is she was once a good reporter and trend setter in Washington, sure she was always liberal but the stories she told were interesting because she had interviewed so many presidents. Truth be told I got her book, which brings me to the point of this piece. Journalists have become like professors in the beginning most of them I am convinced try to be unbiased but then after being sucked in by there contemporaries think that they are really important. They then stop teaching and start indoctrinating, Journalists like most teachers including Thomas have no idea how liberal they are. Helen Thomas once said that no one ever has accused her of bias, that in her mind is probably true because she does not talk to anyone who doesn't share her own views. Many professors even the good ones are truly ignorant of how biased they are. The bad ones don't care I once had an academic adviser put up a cartoon of George W. bush being the next Strom Thurmond it's hard to respect such idiocy. I'm sure my advisor now retired did not care I'm sure Hellen Thomas did not care. that's why I call Her Professor Thomas. She like many other journalists and teachers and professors truly are the Roosters that take credit for the Dawn.

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