Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

is he a President or a lawyer on tv?

Any speech by any president requires analysis and this one is no exception.
The first part of the speech blaming Bp was certainly correct. If there is a villain in this it clearly is British Petroleum and I have absolutely no problem with them being made to clean it up. It was after all there rig and their fault. The president was a little self self serving when he says were going to make them pay they were going to help anyway and public opinion would have drove them out of business. However it is clearly not out of line that a company be made to compensate it's workers for negligence caused by the company.
It is laughable that the President would refer to anybody employed by the government as a third party overseeing those funds weather he is working in his governmental role or not. But that's just what the president want us to believe Yes that's right the person over seeking the fund works for the federal government. Third party indeed...
grade for that part c
Now the reaction to the spill was completely political The president should have excepted the help of the dutch government and should have given the go ahead to the Louisiana government to create those little barrier like islands much quicker then he did. There's no question that the rejection of the Dutch help proves that the Obama Administration could have helped with this problem in a much more competent manor. that part d-

The truly despicable part of this speech is the the President used to pivots to his push for alternative energy. The reason why this spill is so hard to fix is because it's so offshore to become with. The President has no clue as to how much oil there is left in America because so much of it especially in Alaska is unexplored. For the president to act like there is even a possibility of replacing oil as a fuel source in his lifetime is quite frankly a lie] Other energy sources have yet to show any long term ability to surpass any fossil fuels in terms of reliability or effeteness. They have been some promising research in solar power but to imply that oil is on it's way out is crazy. The larger point is that it was in bad taste to use such a crisis in the Gulf to push for a new energy plan. This energy plan's main focas was not alternative energy but pollution credits for your carbon foot print. Sen Dianne Feinstein said it best the Cap and Trade legislation has nothing to do with the oil spill. She's right and for the President to use the spill to try to advance his programs is the most despicable kind of politics. It takes back to the most outrageous claims made against Bush using 911 to attack Iraq. Hopefully like President Bush President Obama truly believes this program will benefit, if he is just trying to score political score points or to distract people from the oil spill. then he is doing something that represents the truly worst kind of politics, and makes him looker like an ambulance chaser rather then commander and chief! A few more speeches like Tuesday's and his likability will be down as low as his approval rating. Total speech grade 62% and that's to generous

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