Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Who are they kidding

If someone were to ask me the question Why are you a republican, I would offer them three reasons the my conviction that abortion and Gay sex acts are repulsive to Christ and bad public policy. The belief that America has a moral duty to act justly and sometimes intervene militarily for the betterment of justice in the word, Thirdly there stance on education namely that one of the ways to improve education is to limit the influence of teachers unions.
Unions began as a response to repressive working conditions for factory workers and other blue color manly physical jobs. Those unions were manly started by private company workers with the overseeing of the national labor relations board. They were a good and necessary thing because it is immoral for a person to work 18 hours a day or under unsafe working conditions. We still have Unions and occasionally they still do good things such as in mine safety and preventing employer abuse.
However unions have there down side they make it harder for employees to be judged on there merits you get what your union contract says you get therefore the incentive to work hard is not there or when it is there is severely weakened. It also causes unemployment because it is very difficult to fire someone with a union. It also cause wage discrimination because there are usually people in the union that deserve to be paid more then they are currently getting paid under the contract.
Public sector union are worse because their jobs in normal times are more secure and recently more lucrative then the general public who pays there salaries the situation is unworkable. Yes I would have been more prudent to negotiate with the union before proposing this bill but should the bill be any different? No I would like the teachers to explain to me how there union contract helps one child other then the arbitrary and capricious arugument of higher wages attracting better teachers. Governor Walker has never said that public workers can't have a union just that the rights and privilege's accorded to them before aka (sacred cow stasis) would no longer exist. No public union should ever regard itself as untouchable especially one that is not involved in a life threatening profession. Anyone who puts there benefits ahead of the education of young people needs to re-evaluate why there in the profession in the first place. How can a person strike and then say it's for the kids. Just who works for who? About the kids I don't think so.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rest in peace Bill Husar

First let me say rest in peace Bill Husar my uncle who was a worthy debating partner even though we disagreed on everything. May God shepherd his sole to heaven, where he will find the happiness that alluded him later in life. I hope you will be there welcoming me when God calls me home.
Some thoughts on the Conservative political action committee meeting last week. The biggest news coming out of there last week was how good Mitch Daniels was. He stole the show was the attitude of the mainstream media. There is considerable talk about him running for President, in short he is the new flavor of the month and of coarse there is talk about him running for President. Well let me be the first to say no thanks Mitch try for vice president. Here are some reasons why first He has said that we need a holiday from social issues because of the budget yes that's right he's ready to sacrifice the rights of the unborn all because he feels the budget is more important. He is so willing to put the budget first that he is giving the back of his hand to social conservatives. That's not the way to win elections you when elections by appealing to all sides of the party not sacrificing the base to appeal to independents. Nobody wins the election based on the budget anyway, democrats tried that for years under Regan and nobody cared because very few people see the deficit as relevant to their daily lives. Now I know that things have changed a little since then but not much. Governor Daniels maid himself look stupid when he compared the budget to the red menace of the 50s. Governor when people think of that term they think of McCarthy era red baiting and besides the Communists killed people. When has the deficit ever killed anybody! Now the deficit is an important issue but secondary compared to the repeal of health care and Abortion.
Ron Paul played his customary isolationist role of coarse which sounds good to a war weary public and to young people who don't recognize the necessary role America must play in the world. I also disagree with Ann Coulter that the Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie is the only one who can win the presidency in 2012. There are three men that can win in 2012. Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich and Mike Hucuaby, but if we continue to focus only on so called popular issues or become the new green eye shade party are 50-50 chance of winning becomes less and less everyday.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

first crisis grade incompleate

I am often accused of being a black and white thinker always leaving out the grey that the rest of the world sees on most every issue. Most of the time that's true because I frankly have very definite views on a variety of subjects, one area of policy where this is not true is Egypt. There are so many schools of thought about Egypt that all I will do here is give you the arguments as they appear and then give you a brief synopsis of what I think will happen.
The first school of thought shared by many liberals and conservatives is Wow this is wonderful a tyrant is gone, we all love this moment, this is just like when Saddam was deposed with people dancing in the street. There is another faction of primarily conservatives people along with some liberals that say that Mubarak was the best we could hope for and now we in trouble because odds are the Muslim brotherhood which if true would make an enemy out of an ally. There are also some on both sides who say get out of there no money no aid it's none of our concern. My opinion is that if we use our soft power to give financial backing to the candidates that are pro western and try to keep Egypt a one of our best Allies in the middle east. Whoever assumes power we can not let Egypt disintegrate into a place that is ripe for government sponsered terrorism de facto or otherwise.
President Obama did o.k although he did vacillate between encouraging the protesters and sticking with president muberick. The state department did not do him any favors there are people employed by our government that are payed to anticipate every outcome of any international incident that may arise, they must have been on vacation. The president looked foolish one day sending signals that he supported the protesters then pulling back then telling him to leave. It's hard to fault him totally because the situation was rapidly changing, however a President who was more experienced with foreign policy would handled it better (George h. walker Bush) former head of the CIA comes to mind).
No one knows how this will turn out this is the President's first international test his grade is in- complete lets hope it turns out that the new President of Egypt keep a real commitment to peace with Israel his grade will be at least a B .

Thursday, January 20, 2011

it's sad what the shooting has become

In reaction to the shooting and frustration of the coverage of it I refused to watch the president's speech from last week. I frankly needed a break from it. so hare's my comments based on what I heard from various news/entertainment sources.
The first thing it was a necessary speech and the president did what he had to do. The tribute to the victims individually was nice and needed after all most of the coverage was about the one injured congressmen Mrs. Gifford's and not the people that actually died. That understandable of coarse but still sad. The call to tamp down the rhetoric was all right but a little self serving, whenever a President says lets be calmer nicer in our discourse it seems a little like a lecture. Maybe it's needed but that's still something that's a personal decision. The president certainly gets a passing grade for mentioning that nobody on either side of the political spectrum caused the shootings but he could have went further but did not, saying to try and make hay from a shooting by blaming Rush and Sarah is sick.
The other thing is the atmosphere in the hall was not quiet enough for a memorial and I wish it had been done at a church and not at a university which gave it a carnival atmosphere. The president can't do anything about that but I wish the office could help him rise above the personal celebrity he has attained.
The speech came a little to late to do much good for him and the country, because when one side accuses the other of creating the atmosphere that perpetuated the shooting Republicans rightly see that as trampling down on political speech and we fight back they fight back and it's a political food fight. Bill Mahr's call to use the shooting to look as an opportunity to re-examine Glen beck and Rush Limbaugh'is personal to me because they clearly did not cause this and for the media to cast assperitions on them first and then get the story later is a little scary because if Rush and Glenn were ever to be totally discredited they would be the only providers of information and nobody would keep them honest. Everything is political now everyone has an agenda it's sad that the left and the Puma sheriff blamed politics for this once he did that the media ran with the story and everybody went to their rhetorical battle stations no one likes to be called to murder one that happens the President's speech just fades into the background like snow on the TV set. It's then that it's not just politics to us it's then that it becomes libelous and people get irrational and the Media creates the anger and frustration they are said to despise. It's a shame nothing rises above politics anymore not even a shooting!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

just a sicko

Happy new year to the few people that read this: The gaberalle Giffords tragedy is just another example of how the mainstream still has very powerful fangs. The shoot and killing of 6 people and the wounding of many others like the Rebbecca Shaffer killing of 1987 was the act of a lone nut with satanic leanings. This killings had nothing to due with immigration Health Care reform Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh. He was stalking the congresswomen since 2003 and members of her staff had logged into his Utube Account which suggests you they were worried about him for a while . He was a troubled men who told to leave Uama community college after they called the police on him several times. This is all information compiled through listening to several hours of talk radio and I believe can be be checked online. Please e But of coarse the media will have you believe he was frustrated at the way this country was being run hurt talk radio and flipped. The truth is he more then likely was truly obsessed with Mrs Gifferod's could not have her and was tolled be the voices in his own head to shoot her. That's my opinion of coarse but it definitely is more accurate then blaming Rush.
45 percent the country is worried that the opposition to he president will become violent, why is that because they have been told that the majority of the tea Party is Racist and therefore will be more likely to harm the President. The shooting as horrible as it was is not political in any way and should not be used as a political football to harm either side. The media speculated on a motive before they new the facts and by doing so they make there own story which is the same reason why Sarah Palin most likely won't run for President the media has made her a joke, she contributed to it of coarse but she is such a polarizing figure she won't run now.
The point is that the shooting like everything is political now and that's a shame. The media should know better we all should everybody needs to chill out and think for ourselves, and quit reading listen to people who want to more of the shooting then it is just a horrible act of a sick nut.