Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rest in peace Bill Husar

First let me say rest in peace Bill Husar my uncle who was a worthy debating partner even though we disagreed on everything. May God shepherd his sole to heaven, where he will find the happiness that alluded him later in life. I hope you will be there welcoming me when God calls me home.
Some thoughts on the Conservative political action committee meeting last week. The biggest news coming out of there last week was how good Mitch Daniels was. He stole the show was the attitude of the mainstream media. There is considerable talk about him running for President, in short he is the new flavor of the month and of coarse there is talk about him running for President. Well let me be the first to say no thanks Mitch try for vice president. Here are some reasons why first He has said that we need a holiday from social issues because of the budget yes that's right he's ready to sacrifice the rights of the unborn all because he feels the budget is more important. He is so willing to put the budget first that he is giving the back of his hand to social conservatives. That's not the way to win elections you when elections by appealing to all sides of the party not sacrificing the base to appeal to independents. Nobody wins the election based on the budget anyway, democrats tried that for years under Regan and nobody cared because very few people see the deficit as relevant to their daily lives. Now I know that things have changed a little since then but not much. Governor Daniels maid himself look stupid when he compared the budget to the red menace of the 50s. Governor when people think of that term they think of McCarthy era red baiting and besides the Communists killed people. When has the deficit ever killed anybody! Now the deficit is an important issue but secondary compared to the repeal of health care and Abortion.
Ron Paul played his customary isolationist role of coarse which sounds good to a war weary public and to young people who don't recognize the necessary role America must play in the world. I also disagree with Ann Coulter that the Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie is the only one who can win the presidency in 2012. There are three men that can win in 2012. Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich and Mike Hucuaby, but if we continue to focus only on so called popular issues or become the new green eye shade party are 50-50 chance of winning becomes less and less everyday.

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