Will Sarah Palin run for President?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Who are they kidding

If someone were to ask me the question Why are you a republican, I would offer them three reasons the my conviction that abortion and Gay sex acts are repulsive to Christ and bad public policy. The belief that America has a moral duty to act justly and sometimes intervene militarily for the betterment of justice in the word, Thirdly there stance on education namely that one of the ways to improve education is to limit the influence of teachers unions.
Unions began as a response to repressive working conditions for factory workers and other blue color manly physical jobs. Those unions were manly started by private company workers with the overseeing of the national labor relations board. They were a good and necessary thing because it is immoral for a person to work 18 hours a day or under unsafe working conditions. We still have Unions and occasionally they still do good things such as in mine safety and preventing employer abuse.
However unions have there down side they make it harder for employees to be judged on there merits you get what your union contract says you get therefore the incentive to work hard is not there or when it is there is severely weakened. It also causes unemployment because it is very difficult to fire someone with a union. It also cause wage discrimination because there are usually people in the union that deserve to be paid more then they are currently getting paid under the contract.
Public sector union are worse because their jobs in normal times are more secure and recently more lucrative then the general public who pays there salaries the situation is unworkable. Yes I would have been more prudent to negotiate with the union before proposing this bill but should the bill be any different? No I would like the teachers to explain to me how there union contract helps one child other then the arbitrary and capricious arugument of higher wages attracting better teachers. Governor Walker has never said that public workers can't have a union just that the rights and privilege's accorded to them before aka (sacred cow stasis) would no longer exist. No public union should ever regard itself as untouchable especially one that is not involved in a life threatening profession. Anyone who puts there benefits ahead of the education of young people needs to re-evaluate why there in the profession in the first place. How can a person strike and then say it's for the kids. Just who works for who? About the kids I don't think so.

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